
答案 ~ More as this story develops -- The Newsroom 新聞急先鋒 ~ HBO Presents



    一方面,下午才要開始的 conference call,一連還是兩場背靠背的接力賽,絲毫沒有喘息的餘地,晚上,風雨稍歇,正覺得過完一天的也是“在營休假”而煩悶著,又開始不自主的亂轉遙控器,這時候,眼球停在頻道65台的HBO,出現一段畫面..........故事是這樣的開始:





There’s absolutely no evidence to support the statement that we’re the greatest country in the world.

We’re seventh in literacy. Twenty-seventh in math. Twenty-second in science. Forty-ninth in life expectancy. A hundred and seventy-eighth in infant mortality. Third in median household income. Number four in labor force and number four in exports.

We lead the world in only three categories: Number of incarcerated citizens per capita, number of adults who believe angels are real, and defense spending, where we spend more than the next twenty-six countries combined, twenty-five of whom are allies.


Sure we used to be. We stood up for what was right. We fought for moral reasons. We passed laws, struck down laws, for moral reasons. We waged wars on poverty, not poor people. We sacrificed. We cared about our neighbors. We put our money where our mouths were. And we never beat our chest.

We built great big things, made ungodly technological advances, explored the universe, cured diseases, and we cultivated the world’s greatest artists and the world’s greatest economy. We reached for the stars. Acted like men.

We aspired to intelligence. We didn’t belittle it—it didn’t make us feel inferior.

We didn’t identify ourselves by who we voted for in the last election, and we didn’t, oh, we didn’t scare so easy. We were able to be all these things and do all these things because we were informed. By great men. Men who were revered.

First step in solving any problem is recognizing there is one. America is not the greatest country in the world anymore.”

Will McAvoy (Jeff Daniels), The Newsroom



    這樣毫無冷場的看完第一季的第一集,50分鐘後,我知道疲憊的身心已經有好久沒有這樣的悸動。大概是自從《白宮風雲,The West Wing (TV Series 1999–2006)》就逐漸消失的熱血,我原來以為自己已經不會像過去一樣的衝動,原來,一直都在這裡。

    回頭想想,有點找到我所有問題的答案,從初衷 ~ 那天,我們在松羅國家步道,到乘著噴射機離去 ~ Leaving on a Jet plane的答案,原來在這裡。


    ”然說家家都有本難唸的經,不如意的事十有八九,常想一二,不過這就是工作,不是嗎?咬咬牙,低低頭,也會捱過去的。但是這些年的環境變化很大,你們就像一群打仗的兵士,今天攻這個碉堡,明天換個目標繼續打,這些年來,雖然目標不盡相同,有時會振臂歡呼 ,有時也會困惑無奈。在過程中,同事們前後的加入,然後慢慢的減少。直到今天。

    前些日子才剛剛整理出了一大堆的東西,有的是過期的資料、追蹤用的紀錄、用不到的書籍、還有許許多多雜物 ; 丟掉的那一剎那,才回想起曾經做過了什麼的“好”事,然後漠然的丟下,變像成堆的像小山的一部分。






    案是從第一集震撼開場的 We Just Decided To,到第二集In or out?的 News Night 2.0,再到第三集從911事件小布希總統的反恐中心主任的道歉開始,然後到“我將振起”的開場白(註三),到一連串絕無冷場的批判的 The 112th Congress.....

The Newsroom - 1x03 - The 112th Congress - Promo "Full HD"









    我們是 Mackenzie MacHale 和 我自己







    我一連看了好幾次 "112th Congress",Rewind/Forward的看,當下,我知道我的某部分漸漸被療癒,所有被堵住的 、 沒結論 、 “就這樣算了吧”、“無所謂”的事情,突然之間,變得有個出路,就像當年的《白宮風雲,The West Wing 》,我知道,我已經深陷期間,慢慢離開不了。


    我只是覺得知道,也許今天,在某一個其他產業的某個小小地方,也有一群朋友有著同樣的苦惱、掙扎 、 努力 、奮鬥,想要在相同不變的制度裡,做出一點點不一樣,不一定有掌聲的改變,而其中的意義,很難像其他的朋友描述,或者是不一定需要被其他人肯定,而只是試問自己是不是一條出路。不會一定是唯一,但是一條我想走的出路。



    但,真的是如此嗎?但是在現實運作的世界裡,記得珍·方達 飾 萊昂納·蘭辛(Leona Lansing)在第三集裡拋下的最後的一句話:

“Now, do you want to play golf or do you want to fuck around?”(註四)



  1. The Official Website for HBO series The Newsroom
  3. 新聞急先鋒 ~ 維基百科,自由的百科全書
  5. The Newsroom 新聞急先鋒 (2012)
  7. 新聞急先鋒S1:01 | HBO Asia
  9. Television Review: My First Episode of The Newsroom
  11. [影集] 喚醒新聞界的良知 the Newsroom
  13. The newsroom-----HBO製作的優質美國影集
  15. The Newsroom: “The 112th Congress” transcript: Charlie, Leona duel over News Night
  17. 初衷 ~ 那天,我們在松羅國家步道
  19. 乘著噴射機離去 ~ Leaving on a Jet plane

註一:新聞急先鋒 ~ 維基百科,自由的百科全書

新聞急先鋒(The Newsroom)是一部由艾倫·索金原創的美國劇情類電視劇,於2012年6月24日在HBO電視臺首播。該劇講述了一個虛構電視臺「亞特蘭蒂斯有線新聞台」(簡稱:ACN)台前幕後的故事,同時也描述了ACN主播威爾·麥卡沃伊及其製作團隊面對「電視臺商業需求與個人新聞操守發生衝突時」[1] 的一系列表現。




  • 傑夫·丹尼爾 飾 威爾·麥卡沃伊(Will McAvoy)——威爾是亞特蘭蒂斯有線新聞台新聞節目《晚間新聞》的主播兼執行製作,他是一名溫和的共和黨人,他的成功在於他的圓滑世故。但是實際上,威爾內心是一個相當出路的人。兩種矛盾的性格讓他在每次直播之後都顯得有些痛苦。威爾原本平靜的生活在麥肯齊·麥克海爾出現之後發生了巨大的變化,他原來的製作團隊被他的拍檔挖到了另一檔新聞節目,他不得不讓麥肯齊·麥克海爾及其團隊來接手他的新聞節目。
  • 艾蜜莉·莫特 飾 麥肯齊·麥克海爾(MacKenzie McHale)——《晚間新聞》新任執行製作。[4]
  • 小約翰·加拉赫(John Gallagher, Jr.) 飾 詹姆斯·哈珀(James "Jim" Harper)——《晚間新聞》新任製作,原本與麥克海爾在另一檔節目合作,但是隨著她一同辭職來到《晚間新聞》節目組。他與瑪姬似乎一見鍾情。[5]
  • 艾莉森·皮爾(Alison Pill) 飾 瑪格麗特·喬丹(Margaret "Maggie" Jordan)——原為麥卡沃伊的個人助理,後被麥克海爾提拔成為《晚間新聞》的助理製作。[6]
  • 托馬斯·薩多斯基(Thomas Sadoski) 飾 唐·基佛(Don Keefer)——《晚間新聞》前任執行製作,作品開始時預定要離開《晚間新聞》擔任同頻道十點檔期執行製作,在尚未正式離職前留任《晚間新聞》製作組協助過渡[7]

  • 戴夫·帕特爾(Dev Patel) 飾 尼爾·桑帕特(Neal Sampat)——麥卡沃伊的博客寫手;互聯網新聞採集員。
  • 奧利維亞·穆恩 飾 斯隆(Sloan Sabbith) ——ACN午後四點財經新聞主播。[7]
  • 薩姆·沃特森(Sam Waterston) 飾 查理·斯金納(Charlie Skinner)——亞特蘭蒂斯有線新聞台新聞部總裁。[8]


  • 簡·方達 飾 萊昂納·蘭辛(Leona Lansing)——亞特蘭蒂斯有線新聞台母公司亞特蘭蒂斯世界傳媒(Atlantis World Media)的首席執行官。[3]
  • 克裡斯·梅西納(Chris Messina) 飾 瑞斯·蘭辛(Reese Lansing)——亞特蘭蒂斯有線新聞台總裁,萊昂納·蘭辛的兒子。

註二:新聞急先鋒S1:01 | HBO Asia

新聞急先鋒S1:04 週三, 8月22日 at 9.00PM


  • HBO | 週四, 8月23日 at 11.00AM
  • HBO | 週三, 8月29日 at 2.35AM

註三:[心得] The Newsroom S01E03~04 雷 | PTT

『晚安 我是 Will McAvoy,這裡是 New Night。

剛剛撥出的影片是 Richard Clarke,小布希總統的反恐中心主任。

於 2004 年 3 月 24 號在國會前作證的影像。


所以,今天節目的開始,我將加入 Mr. Clarke 的行列。



讓我先聲明 我並不代表…所有的新聞工作者道歉 並不是所有新聞工作者都需要道歉 我僅代表自己。


我所領導的行業,錯報選舉結果、誇大恐慌事件、挑起政治辯論、隱瞞國家結構的改變 從經濟危機到國力的真實水準。


我所領導的行業如Harry Houdini一般 (知名魔術大師)。



在大眾通訊時代初始,新聞界的哥倫布和麥哲倫-William Paley和David Sarnoff (CBS之父及美國廣播通訊業之父)。










所以現在,那些絕對誠實的新聞人, 比如 Murror Reasoner 和 Huntley 還有
Brinkley 和 Buckley 和 Cronkite 和 Rather 和 Russert ...(皆為知名主播)


做為新聞主播面對的業界壓力,卻與澤西海岸(肥皂劇)製片人一模一樣 (收視率決定一切)


你可能不相信,這個時代仍有一些偉大的新聞人,他們有卓越的頭腦跟多年的經驗, 和對新聞工作的真摯熱情。



他們仍有贏的信念 我很感動。










我們是 Mackenzie MacHale 和 我自己

MacHale 是我們的執行製作人,他從超過百篇報導中整理出我們需要的資訊






~ The Newsroom “The 112th Congress” transcript: Will McAvoy’s apology to America

Will:  “Good evening, I’m Will McAvoy, this is News Night and that was a clip of Richard Clark, former counter terrorism chief to President George W. Bush, testifying before Congress on March 24, 2004. Americans like that moment. I like that moment. Adults should hold themselves accountable for failure.

 And so tonight, I’m beginning this newscast by joining Mr. Clark and apologizing to the American people for our failure – the failure of this program during the time I’ve been in charge of it to successfully inform and educate the American electorate.


Let me be clear that I don’t apologize on behalf of all broadcast journalists, nor do all broadcast journalists owe an apology. I speak for myself. I was an accomplice to a slow and repeated and unacknowledged and unamended train wreck of failures that have brought us to now. I’m a leader in an industry that miscalled election results, hyped up terror scares, ginned up controversy and failed to report on tectonic shifts in our country, from the collapse of the financial system to the truths about how strong we are to the dangers we actually face. I’m a leader in an industry that misdirected your attention with the dexterity of Harry Houdini, while sending hundreds of thousands of our bravest young men and women off to war without due diligence.

The reason we failed isn’t a mystery – we took a dive for the ratings.

In the infancy of mass communication, the Columbus and Magellan of broadcast journalism, William Paley and David Sarnoff, went down to Washington to cut a deal with Congress. Congress would allow the fledgling networks free use of taxpayer-owned airwaves in exchange for one public service. That public service would be one hour of airtime set aside every night for informational broadcasting, or what we now call the evening news.

Congress, unable to anticipate the enormous capacity television would have to deliver consumers to advertisers, failed to include in its deal the one requirement that would have changed our national discourse immeasurably for the better – Congress forgot to add that under no circumstances could there be paid advertising during informational broadcasting. They forgot to say the taxpayers will give you the airwaves for free and for 23 hours a day, you should make a profit, but for one hour a night, you work for us.

And now those network newscasts, anchored through history by honest-to-God newsmen with names like Murrow and Reasoner and Huntley and Brinkley and Buckley and Cronkite and Rather and Russert…now, they have to compete with the likes of me, a cable anchor who’s in the exact same business as the producers of “Jersey Shore.”

And that business was good to us. But News Night is quitting that business right now. It might come as a surprise to you that some of history’s greatest American journalists are working right now. Exceptional minds with years of experience and an unshakable devotion to reporting the news.

But these voices are a small minority now and they don’t stand a chance against the circus when the circus comes to town. They’re over matched. I’m quitting the circus, switching teams. I’m going with the guys who are getting creamed. I’m moved. They still think they can win and I hope they can teach me a thing or two.

From this moment on, we’ll be deciding what goes on our air and how it’s presented to you based on the simple truth that nothing is more important to a democracy than a well-informed electorate. We’ll endeavor to put information in a broader context because we know that very little news is born at the moment it comes across our wire.

We’ll be the champion of facts and the mortal enemy of innuendo, speculation, hyperbole and nonsense. We’re not waiters in a restaurant, serving you the stories you asked for, just the way you like them prepared. Nor are we computers, dispensing only the facts because news is only useful in the context of humanity. I’ll make no effort to subdue my personal opinions. I will make every effort to expose you to informed opinions that are different from my own.

You may ask who are we to make these decisions. We are MacKenzie McHale and myself. Ms. McHale is our executive producer. She marshals the resources of over 100 reporters, producers, analysts and technicians and her credentials are readily available. I’m News Night’s managing editor and make the final decision on everything seen and heard on this program.

Who are we to make these decisions? We are the media elite.

We’ll be back after this with the news…”

註四:The Newsroom: “The 112th Congress” transcript: Charlie, Leona duel over News Night


 “Moses and Jesus are playing golf. Moses steps up to the tee and hits a beautiful shot 250 yards, straight down the middle of the fairway. Jesus steps up to the tee and hooks the ball into the trees. Jesus looks up into the heavens, raises his arms. Suddenly, the sky darkens. A thunderclap rings out. Rain pours down and a stream rises among the trees. The golf ball, floating on top, finds its way into the mouth of a fish. Then a bird flies down and takes the fish and the bowl out over the green, drops it in the cup for a hole in one.

 Jesus turns to Moses with a satisfied grin and Moses says, ‘Look, want to play golf or do you want to fuck around?

1 則留言:

  1. 這裡是在中時部落的jj留言的翻譯:



    Great show! - but I think some of the translation is a bit off because of idioms... Here is another try.



    我們領先世界的只有三項:有最多坐牢的人口比例,最多成人相信天使是真實的,軍備花費是世界最高 – 我們的軍費比我們排名下二十六個國家聯合起來還要多,而這其中二十五個國家是我們的盟國。

    當然這完全不是你這個二十歲大學生的錯,但是你,毫無質疑的,是這個史上最糟糕的一世代中的成員之一。所以當你問我 “是什麼原因讓我們成為世界上最偉大的國家?” 我不知道你在說些什麼鬼東西。你以為你是誰?



    我們曾冀望真正的聰明開竅。我們曾從未小看它 – 它並沒有讓我們覺得渺小。

