仔細回想起來,在你還有記憶的時候,第一次聽這曲子,大約是在學校的英聽課之類的吧!當時好像教了這首歌,也不知道是誰唱的,不知道甚麼時候唱的,依稀記得副歌的部分好像不是英文,和其他語言混著唱的,結尾的時候乾脆俐落的結束,說了聲"Thank You!",曲子就嘎然而止。
後來聽了一些版本,像是Peter, Paul and Mary,阿甘正傳(註七)的版本,還有其他人的演唱,總覺得少了一味,所以還在曲海中尋尋覓覓。
在一次偶然的機會,在塞車的途中聽了《文茜的異想世界》,她對Joan Baez的介紹從頭娓娓道來,從民歌的女神開始,到那個過去的反戰年代,當時和Bob Dylan的相識、相戀、錯過,並且播了這首 "Diamond and Dust" (註四),當熟悉的聲音從廣播中流出,一聽就知道對了!
“Blowin' in the wind”,是鮑勃‧迪倫(Bob Dylan) 在1962年專輯中的一首歌,雖然它在1963年已被認為是反戰歌曲,也帶來了一系列的反問和平,戰爭和自由。副歌“答案,我的朋友,飄蕩在風中”被形容為“impenetrably模棱兩可:要麼答案是那麼明顯這是正確的在你的臉上,或者答案是無形的風。”
仔細回想起來,在你還有記憶的時候,第一次聽這曲子,大約是在學校的英聽課之類的吧!當時好像教了這首歌,也不知道是誰唱的,不知道甚麼時候唱的,依稀記得副歌的部分好像不是英文,和其他語言混著唱的,結尾的時候乾脆俐落的結束,說了聲"Thank You!",曲子就嘎然而止。
後來聽了一些版本,像是Peter, Paul and Mary,阿甘正傳(註七)的版本,還有其他人的演唱,總覺得少了一味,所以還在曲海中尋尋覓覓。
在一次偶然的機會,在塞車的途中聽了《文茜的異想世界》,她對Joan Baez的介紹從頭娓娓道來,從民歌的女神開始,到那個過去的反戰年代,當時和Bob Dylan的相識、相戀、錯過,並且播了這首 "Diamond and Dust" (註四),當熟悉的聲音從廣播中流出,一聽就知道對了!
1994年,這首歌入選了名人堂的格萊美廳。在2004年,它被列為#14 滾石雜誌的“有史以來最偉大的500首歌”的名單。
Joan Baez - Discography, Live in Japan (1967)
“他於1963年發行第二張專輯《自由馳騁的巴布·狄倫》(The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan),專輯中十三首歌都是狄倫自己的創作,並因其受到伍迪·格思里而影響,以演唱抗議歌曲而出名,他這個時期最有代表性的歌曲之一,即《答案在風中飄》(Blowing in The Wind),在其後的反戰和民權運動中被反覆傳唱,而很多人也是透過在電影《阿甘正傳》中瓊·貝茲對這首歌的翻唱而認識狄倫。
狄倫許多早期的歌曲,都是因為別人的翻唱才廣為人知,例如被人們稱為民謠女皇的瓊·貝茲與彼得、保羅和瑪麗(Peter, Paul and Mary),不僅翻唱過狄倫的歌曲,更是狄倫的重要支持者和朋友。瓊·貝茲與狄倫彼此相知相惜,遂產生一段秘密戀情,兩人開始交往。”
英文wiki裡有一段Dylan(June 1962) 自己的話!
"There ain’t too much I can say about this song except that the answer is blowing in the wind. It ain’t in no book or movie or TV show or discussion group. Man, it’s in the wind – and it’s blowing in the wind. Too many of these hip people are telling me where the answer is but oh I won’t believe that. I still say it’s in the wind and just like a restless piece of paper it’s got to come down some ...
But the only trouble is that no one picks up the answer when it comes down so not too many people get to see and know . . . and then it flies away. I still say that some of the biggest criminals are those that turn their heads away when they see wrong and know it’s wrong. I’m only 21 years old and I know that there’s been too many . . .
You people over 21, you’re older and smarter."
狄倫許多早期的歌曲,都是因為別人的翻唱才廣為人知,例如被人們稱為民謠女皇的瓊·貝茲與彼得、保羅和瑪麗(Peter, Paul and Mary),不僅翻唱過狄倫的歌曲,更是狄倫的重要支持者和朋友。瓊·貝茲與狄倫彼此相知相惜,遂產生一段秘密戀情,兩人開始交往。”
英文wiki裡有一段Dylan(June 1962) 自己的話!
"There ain’t too much I can say about this song except that the answer is blowing in the wind. It ain’t in no book or movie or TV show or discussion group. Man, it’s in the wind – and it’s blowing in the wind. Too many of these hip people are telling me where the answer is but oh I won’t believe that. I still say it’s in the wind and just like a restless piece of paper it’s got to come down some ...
But the only trouble is that no one picks up the answer when it comes down so not too many people get to see and know . . . and then it flies away. I still say that some of the biggest criminals are those that turn their heads away when they see wrong and know it’s wrong. I’m only 21 years old and I know that there’s been too many . . .
You people over 21, you’re older and smarter."
那時候狄倫21歲,他說他也不清楚,答案在哪裡?甚至答案即使出現了,也會轉瞬即逝。於是他在歌詞裡寫下:Blowin’ in the wind。這個世界上,仍然存在着衝突和戰爭,仍然存在着種族的仇恨和民族的不和。沒有人能夠讓這個喧鬧的世界真正平靜下來。
最成功的版本是民樂三重奏彼得,保羅和瑪麗(Peter, Paul and Mary)(註六),但是我想說的是Joan Baez的版本。
在20世紀的60年代,“ 瓊·貝茲"已被稱為女神。'41在出生於紐約,她從美國波士頓大學的學生開始,一方面唱歌,並出現在“Newport Folk Festival 新港民俗節”,這是在那些日子裡最大的民間節日,在50年代末。美國已經進入了越南戰爭,在這個節日中還展出了反戰集會的方面,她呼籲反戰。出道初期,她的主打歌,像是“Donna Donna",“House Of The Rising Sun”,如“Blowin' in the wind”,都是耳熟能詳的歌曲。
"You don't get to choose how you're going to die, or when. You can only decide how you're going to live. Now"
Blowing In The Wind ,Joan Baez - Discography, Live in Japan (註三)
How many roads must a man walk down,
before they call him a man
How many seas must a white dove sail,
before she sleeps in the sand
How many times must the cannonballs fly,
before they are forever banned
The answer, my friend,
is blowing in the wind
The answer is blowing in the wind
How many years must a mountain exist,
before it is washed to the sea
How many years can some people exist,
before they're allowed to be free
How many times can a man turn his head,
and pretend that he just doesn't see
The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind
The answer is blowing in the wind
How many times must a man look up,
before he can see the sky
How many years must one man have,
before he can hear people cry
How many deaths will it take till he knows,
that too many people have died
The answer, my friend,
is blowing in the wind
The answer is blowing in the wind
The answer is blowing in the wind
儘管 Bob Dylan的創作內涵受到了肯定,他的歌喉卻實在不討喜,因此他早期的好些作品都是藉由其他藝人的歌聲才成名的,其中又以 Peter, Paul & Mary功勞最大,連續唱紅了好幾首他的作品。這支叄重唱也是美國民歌史上最重要的團體之一,除了完美的和聲之外,叄位團員積極參與各種抗議的群眾運動,數十年如一日,堅持的信念跟態度跟他們的歌聲一樣出名。他們成立於 1961年,「Blowing in the Wind」也是他們藉以成名的最重要作品之一。
雖然「Blowing in the Wind」的時代背景是越戰時期的美國社會,但是這首歌的意境卻可以說是「放諸四海而皆準」,同時始終深受世界各地人們的喜愛。當東歐與中東各地戰火頻傳、當國人為政府與某些民間企業的不當措施採取激烈抗爭手段的時候,總是令人不禁又想起這首歌曲。解決爭端的方法其實顯而易見,就像是飛揚在風中一樣,只是有幾人肯去傾聽呢? 這首歌也在電影《阿甘正傳》中出現過。
Bob Dylan在傳奇性的民歌宗師Woody Guthrie啟迪下進入民歌界,很快的以獨特的風格在格林威治村以及各大校園受到注意。1962年四月,他以深具內涵的創作技巧譜出「Blowing in the Wind」的時候,才是個二十剛出頭的小夥子。這是他最早的「抗議歌曲」,對人們傳統觀念中「男子漢」的定義提出了質疑,希望世人能以和平而理性的態度來解決爭端,不要再對世間的不幸視而不見、聽而不聞,更不要再讓無辜的人們繼續喪生在戰火之中。
註二: 歌曲歌詞
Blowing in the wind 答案在風中飄蕩
How many roads must a man walk down
Before they call him a man
How many seas must a white dove sail
Before she sleeps in the sand
How many times must the cannon balls fly
Before they're forever banned
The answer my friend is blowing in the wind
The answer is blowing in the wind
How many years must a mountain exist
Before it is washed to the sea
How many years can some people exist
Before they're allowed to be free
How many times can a man turn his head
And pretend that he just doesn't see
The answer my friend is blowing in the wind
The answer is blowing in the wind
How many times must a man look up
Before he can see the sky
How many ears must one man have
Before he can hear people cry
How many deaths will it take
Till he knows that too many people have died
The answer my friend is blowing in the wind
The answer is blowing in the wind
註三:Joan Baez - Discography, Live in Japan
Original release date: 1967
Recorded at: Kosei-Nenken Hall, Tokyo, Japan, on February 1, 1967
Liner notes by: Kazuo Mituhashi (in Japanese)
Additional vocalist: Mari Kobayashi
Issued on stereo vinyl in Japan only: Vanguard/King GP-315
Re-issued on stereo vinyl in Japan only in 1976: Vanguard/King GXI-9007 (contains different artwork from first issue)
Track List:
Oh, Freedom (traditional)
There But For Fortune (P. Ochs)
Saigon Bride (J. Baez, N. Duschek)
House Of The Rising Sun (traditional)
Donna Donna (S. Secunda, A. Zeitlin)
Blowin' In The Wind (B. Dylan)
It Ain't Me Babe (B. Dylan)
What Have They Done To The Rain (M. Reynolds)
Wild Mountain Thyme (traditional)
Pilgrim Of Sorrow (traditional)
Farewell To This Today (S. Kanedo)
We Shall Overcome (G. Carawan, Hamilton, Z. Horton, P. Seeger)
註四:中廣流行網 i like radio【文茜的異想世界】20131104~20131107 歌單
註五:Blowing In The Wind, Bob Dylan (Live On TV, March 1963)
註三:Joan Baez - Discography, Live in Japan
Original release date: 1967
Recorded at: Kosei-Nenken Hall, Tokyo, Japan, on February 1, 1967
Liner notes by: Kazuo Mituhashi (in Japanese)
Additional vocalist: Mari Kobayashi
Issued on stereo vinyl in Japan only: Vanguard/King GP-315
Re-issued on stereo vinyl in Japan only in 1976: Vanguard/King GXI-9007 (contains different artwork from first issue)
Track List:
Oh, Freedom (traditional)
There But For Fortune (P. Ochs)
Saigon Bride (J. Baez, N. Duschek)
House Of The Rising Sun (traditional)
Donna Donna (S. Secunda, A. Zeitlin)
Blowin' In The Wind (B. Dylan)
It Ain't Me Babe (B. Dylan)
What Have They Done To The Rain (M. Reynolds)
Wild Mountain Thyme (traditional)
Pilgrim Of Sorrow (traditional)
Farewell To This Today (S. Kanedo)
We Shall Overcome (G. Carawan, Hamilton, Z. Horton, P. Seeger)
註四:中廣流行網 i like radio【文茜的異想世界】20131104~20131107 歌單
- No Woman No Cry / Joan Baez
- Let It Be / Joan Baez
- The Christmas Blue / CRIS BARBER
- The way you look tonight / Janet Seide
- Besame Mucho / Janet Seidel
- Granada / The Ten Tenors
- Diamonds And Rust / Joan Baez
- No Woman No Cry / Joan Baez
- Let It Be / Joan Baez
- Guantanamera / Joan Baez
註五:Blowing In The Wind, Bob Dylan (Live On TV, March 1963)
註六:Blowing In The Wind,Peter, Paul and Mary
註七:Blowin' in the wind_ Joan Baez - Forest Gump
- Joan Baez - Discography, Live in Japan
- Blowin' in the Wind - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- 鲍勃·迪倫- 维基百科,自由的百科全書
- blowing in the wind _百度百科
- 中廣流行網 i like radio【文茜的異想世界】20131104~20131107 歌單
- Blowing In The Wind, Bob Dylan, (Live On TV, March 1963)
- Blowing In The Wind,Peter, Paul and Mary
- Forest Gump_ Joan Baez - Blowin' in the wind